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Though the name of the Libyan jird, Meriones libycus, implies it is somehow special to Libya, this adaptable rodent can be found all across Northern Africa and even into western China! From hot deserts, tropical shrub-lands, and even domestic gardens, this species of jird can make pretty much any environment inhabitable [1]. Because of its mainly herbivorous diet, it can make its home as long as sufficient amounts of vegetation is present.

Libyan jird by Raouf Guechi, [CC BY-NC], via

The Libyan jird is a social animal that tends to form small colonies, but it has been reported that some prefer to live individually. They live in burrows made up of a complex network of tunnels which may extend up to 1.5 metres underground and several metres outwards. This little creature likes to plan ahead, and tiny “warehouses”, chambers which colonies may use store up to 10 kg of seed, are also included as part of the burrow’s construction [2]. They sometimes travel locally from burrow to burrow, and when doing so, they stick their tails up in the air and run quickly, spending as little time in the open as possible [3].

The diet of the Libyan jird primarily consists of seeds, leaves, and little fruits. They have a preference for grass seeds, although they aren’t particularly picky. They have been known to consume insects in some cases. In areas under human cultivation such as farms or gardens, they will happily feed on any crop. The Libyan jird is known to devastate agricultural areas near their habitats, especially potato and tomato crops. For this reason, they are considered as serious pests by farmers [4].

The Libyan jird is highly abundant and found across a wide range, and as such is considered as a species of ‘Least Concern’ by IUCN. Libyan jirds are among the several species of gerbils which are kept as pets, although it is not known if this has an impact on the population.

Today, we release the chromosome-length assembly for the Libyan jird, Meriones libycus! This was a $1K assembly, for more details on our assembly procedure, please see our Methods page. The sample used for this assembly was a primary fibroblast cell line provided by the T.C. Hsu Cryo-Zoo, originally frozen back in 1988. We thank Drs. Asha Multani, Sen Pathak, Richard Behringer, Liesl Nel-Themaat and Arisa Furuta in the Department of Genetics at the MD Anderson Cancer Center for their help with this sample!

We here at the DNA Zoo think rodents are rad! We're happy to welcome the Libyan jird to our released collection, bringing our total to 26 chromosome-length rodent assemblies. Browse the 22 chromosomes (2n=44) of the Libyan jird in the interactive Juicebox.js session below!

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Today, DNA Zoo Australia is celebrating!!! We are very happy to announce the receipt of funding from Lotterywest to build a comprehensive genomic resource especially for Western Australia, the WA Genome Atlas.

Australia is one of 17 “megadiverse” countries that comprise a large proportion of the Earth’s biological diversity and house a multitude of unique and endemic species. Southwest Australia specifically is the world’s first recognised global biodiversity hotspot. The WA Genome Atlas initiative supported by Lotterywest will establish a transdisciplinary hub of excellence to genetically characterise, record and support our unique biodiversity, and fill a gap in genetic knowledge required for ambitious ecosystem and species conservation.

To mark the occasion, the DNA Zoo is releasing the world’s first chromosome-length genome assemblies for three marsupials, the Western brush wallaby (Notamacropus irma) endemic to Western Australia, and it's cousins the swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor) and Matschie's tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus matschiei)!

Photo collage featuring the Western brush wallaby photo by Jukka Jantunen, CC BY-NC 4.0; Swamp wallaby photo by James Bailey, CC BY-NC 4.0 and Matschie's tree-kangaroo photo by Wally Gobetz, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 []

The western brush-wallaby (Notamacropus irma) used to be very common in Western Australia but hunting for its pelt by early settlers and habitat destruction has resulted in reduced numbers. Sadly, these wallabies are most commonly seen around the outskirts of Perth – lying on the side of the road after being struck by a car. Several orphaned joeys have been taken to Perth Zoo after their mothers were killed on roads. (Please take extra care when driving near bushland, especially at dusk and dawn!)

Visit the assembly page for Notamacropus irma here and browse the contact matrix for the eight chromosomes below. Thanks to Natasha Tay, Harry Butler Institute, Murdoch University, for assistance with the sample!

The swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor) is a small, stocky wallaby with dark brown fur, often with lighter rusty patches on the belly, chest and base of the ears. Its population is similarly decreasing due to habitat destruction and, to a lesser degree, killing by farmers. Fortunately, Wallabia bicolor is still common, and the issues it faces are not currently considered threats to its survival. Several physical and behavioral characteristics make the swamp wallaby different enough from other wallabies that it is currently placed apart in its own genus, but its phylogenetic placement is debated. We hope the chromosome-length genome assembly we present today will help to resolve this controversial taxonomy for the species.

Visit the assembly page for Wallabia bicolor here and browse the contact matrix for the five chromosomes below. Thanks to Ranger Red’s Zoo & Conservation Park for their help with the sample used for this assembly!

Finally, give it up for the Matschie's tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus matschiei), a strikingly beautiful endangered tree kangaroo found only in Papua New Guinea. Habitat loss and over harvesting are the main threats to the species. We are happy to have an opportunity to add a chromosome-length genome assembly to support the research on Matschie's tree-kangaroo!

Check out the assembly page for Dendrolagus matschiei here, and browse the contact matrix for the seven chromosomes below. We are grateful to the T.C. Hsu Cryo-Zoo at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center that contributed the fibroblasts for this genome assembly.

This work was enabled by resources provided by DNA Zoo Australia, The University of Western Australia (UWA) and DNA Zoo, Aiden Lab at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) with additional computational resources and support from the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre. The WA Genome Atlas project leading the West Australian node of the global DNA Zoo initiative is proudly supported by Lotterywest.

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Much like a lion's mane, the golden-headed lion tamarin, Leontopithecus chrysomelas, has a brilliant display of orange fur framing their face. This mane wonderfully contrasts the black fur of their bodies, not to be confused with the golden lion tamarin (L. rosalia) which is completely gold all over. The golden-headed lion tamarin is one of four species of tamarin, found only in the tropical rainforests of Brazil. Unfortunately, due to major deforestation and loss of habitat, all four species are considered endangered [1].

Leontopithecus chrysomelas by Hans Hillewaert, [CC BY-NC-ND 2.0], via

Like many primate species, golden-headed lion tamarins are social animals that live in groups of 2-11 individuals. Twins are the most common offspring for the golden-headed lion tamarins, while single, triplet, and quadruplet offspring being less common [2]. As for raising their young, both parents tend to take an equal role in child rearing.

Today, we release the chromosome-length assembly of the golden-headed lion tamarin, Leontopithecus chrysomelas! This is another $1K genome assembly, with a contig n50 = 48 KB and a scaffold n50 = 118 MB. For procedure details see Dudchenko et al., 2018 and our Methods page. We thank twin siblings Maya and Marcos from the Houston Zoo for providing the material used to generate this genome assembly. Read more about Maya and Marcos in this blog post by the Houston Zoo!

This genome marks the 25th primate we've released on the DNA Zoo blog, browse our other releases here! Finally, check out the 23 chromosomes of golden-headed lion tamarin in the interactive Juicebox.js session below:

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