Today we share two genome assemblies for the moth fly Clogmia albipunctata.
The first assembly was done in collaboration with Johannes (“Yogi”) Jaeger, Eva Jimenez Guri, Luca Cozzuto, Toni Hermoso Pulido, Julia Ponomarenko and Karl Wotton at the at EMBL/CRG Research Unit in Systems Biology, Barcelona (Spain) who generated and assembled the DNA-Seq data, as well as Urs Schmidt-Ott from the University of Chicago who provided the material for Hi-C. We used Hi-C to anchor, order and orient sequences into 6 chromosome-length scaffolds, as well as to remove contaminants. Funding for the Hi-C analysis was provided by the University of Chicago to Urs Schmidt-Ott.
We also share another assembly for this species, based on a draft genome assembly from Vicoso, Bachtrog, PLoS Biol. 2015, for comparison. The assemblies are largely independent, except that some of the same Hi-C data was used for both.
In Dudchenko, Science 2017, we observed that the contents of chromosome arm 2L of Drosophila melanogaster tend to be located on the same chromosome arm throughout Dipterans. As you can see below, this effect is seen in the moth fly as well!
